In the overview below we present some of the most useful and most popular MySQL Admin and Development Tools for Mac, Windows and Linux, for beginners and for professionals. Among other tools we feature phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL and SequelPro.
MySQL Workbench (Win, Linux, Mac)
MySQL Workbench
This application is a fully featured visual database design package that includes database design, modeling, creation and maintenance bundled into a single environment for the MySQL database system. The free version is the Community Edition, which is loaded with features that will meet almost all your requirements. If you feel adventurous you could always go for the commercial version (Standard Edition).

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HeidiSQL - MySQL made easy (Win, Linux)
Heidi SQL
Heidi SQL is lightweight and fast with a flexible interface, it allows you to browse and edit your databases databases, manage tables, view and edit records, manage user-privileges, import data from text files, run SQL queries, synchronize tables between two databases and export selected tables to other databases or SQL scripts, and all this from an intuitive Windows interface.

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jHeidi Alpha 4 download
You can also download a small app for the iPhone called jHeidi Mobi, whicht is the only application to offer Oracle and MySQL access in a mobile application. jHeidi Mobi Download Page
Aqua Data Studio (Win, Linux, OS X, Solaris)
Aqua Data Studio
This complete IDE, has four major areas of functionality: Database query and administration tools; a suite of compare tools for databases, source control and file systems; integrated source control client for Subversion (SVN) and CVS; and a powerful database modeler. The Studio has a single consistent interface to all major relational databases, this allows the developer to simultaneously ta several tasks from within a single application.

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Aqua Data Studio Downloads Page
This very popular, feature rich and easy to use free tool, written in PHP (obviusly), has been built to handle the full administration of MySQL. It can create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage users and permissions, and manage keys on fields. A nice feature from this legendary tool is that you can download and change the theme (not exactly a monumental feature, but a unique feature), download themes here: phpMyAdmin Themes (remember themes are version specific).

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phpMyAdmin Support - Docs
phpMyAdmin Docs - Download
phpMyAdmin Downloads Page
SQLyog MySQL GUI (Win)
SQLyog is another popular SQL management tool that has a couple of useful features such as visual schema designer, visual query builder, intelligent code completion and a data / structure synchronization. It support HTTP / HTTPs / SSH tunneling and SSL connections. You can also specify a job manager, define a scheduled database backup and use a notification service to be reminded when some jobs are finished. There is a free Community version and a commercial Enterprise edition. You may also use MONyog, a MySQL Monitor and Advisor.

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SQLyog Forum - FAQ
SQLyog FAQ - Download
SQLyog Downloads Page
MySQL-Front (Win)
This graphical GUI for the MySQL database, is a “real” application, it can offer a more refined user-interface than is possible with systems built on PHP and HTML. Response is immediate, as there is no delay of reloading HTML-pages. If your provider allows it, MySQL-Front can make direct contact with the database. Otherwise, only one small script needs to be installed on the publishing website. Login information are stored on your hard disk, so you no longer have to log on to different web interfaces.

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MYSQL Front Forum - Download
MYSQL Front Downloads Page
Sequel Pro (Mac OS X)
Sequel Pro
This MAC OSX database management app gives you direct access to your MySQL databases on local and remote servers with support for importing and exporting data from popular files including SQL, CSV and XML. Sequel Pro started as a fork of the open source CocoaMySQL project. It is the self proclaimed “Best Looking MySQL Database Management App for the Mac OS X“, going by the screenshot below they wouldn’t be wrong, it is sleek and cool.

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Sequel Pro Downloads Page
SQL Buddy (Web-App)
SQL Buddy
This cool lightweight ajax powered database management tool is amazing. It is very, very easy to install, unzip the folder to your server and thats it. As for upgrading, delete the older version and replace with the new version, simple. Being powered by Ajax, it is browser friendly so you can use normal browsing actions like “bookmark”, “back” and “refresh”. There is also a useful range of keyboard shortcuts, which you can view here: SQL Buddy Keyboard Shortcuts.

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SQL Buddy Support - Download
SQL Buddy Downloads Page
EMS SQL Manager (Win)
EMS SQL Manager
EMS SQL Manager is a fairly high performance tool for database administration and development. Features include MySQL triggers, views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB foreign keys, it allows you to create/edit all MySQL database objects, design databases visually, run SQL scripts, import and export database data, manage users and their privileges and has many other useful features. There is a commercial version, but download the free version, its fairly powerful and offers plenty of features.

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EMS SQL Manager Support - Download
EMS SQL Manager Downloads Page
Navicat Lite MySQL Admin Tool (Win, OS X, Linux)
Navicat Lite MySQL Admin Tool
Navicat is a fast, reliable and popular (millions of downloads) Database Administration tool purpose-built for simplifying database management and reducing administrative costs. Designed to meet the needs of database administrators, developers, and small and medium businesses, Navicat is built with an intuitive GUI which lets you create, organize, access and share information in a secure and easy way. Navicat Lite is available as a free download only for non-commercial customers.

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Navicat Support - Download
Navicat Downloads Page
DreamCoder for MySQL (Win)
DreamCoder for MySQL
DreamCoder works with all MySQL versions from 3.23 to 6.0 and it supports all MySQL features including tables, views, procedures, functions, triggers, InnoDB Tables, foreign keys , UDFS, BLOB Types, etc. It also includes the most advanced options for data manipulation, build queries visually, execute queries, script execution, reports generation, database monitoring and export and import data to/from most popular file formats. DreamCoder for MySQL is easy to use for the novice MySQL user and is powerful enough for any expert user.

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DreamCoder Support - Download
DreamCoder Downloads Page
Toad MySQL (Win)
Toad MySQL
Toad for MySQL is a database development and administration tool that provides productivity features for rapidly creating and executing queries and managing complex database systems. It provides utilities to compare, extract and search for objects, manage projects, import/export data and administer the database. Changes to the interface recently has been the the introduction of the “Tabbed Document Interface”, this means you can view a fully maximized window without the need for you to constantly resize, arrange, or tile the windows.

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Toad MySQL Support - Download
Toad MySQL Downloads Page
DB Tools Manager Professional (Win)
DB Tools Manager Professional
DBManager is a fairly powerful application data management data management. With builtin support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase/Firebird, SQLite, DBF tables, MSAccess, MSSQL Server, Sybase, Oracle and ODBC database engines, making it one of the most advanced database application. The free edition (Standard Edition) has a minimun set of features that makes it ideal for new database users to perform basic database management, you can use this for non commercial use.

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DB Tools Manager Forum - Download
DB Tools Manager Downloads Page
MyCon - MySQL GUI (Win)
MyCon is an extremely powerful windows based graphical user interface, MySQL GUI, for administering and working with MySQL server databases. This easy to use MySQL GUI front-end client includes all the functionality and tools you will need to be productive in MySQL as a DBA, developer, manager, report writer or a general end-user.
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MyCon - MySQL GUI Forum - Download
Free MyCon Downloads Page
MyDB Studio (Win)
MyDB Studio
MyDB Studio is a complete collection of powerful tools for MySQL Server administration. MyDB Studio (freeware) is designed for MySQL developers and administrators to rapidly manage, create and execute queries and develop SQL and Php code more efficiently. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Adobe Air version of MyDB Studio, that will be cool.

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MyDB Studio FAQ - Download
MyDB Studio Downloads Page
MySQL Sidu (Win)
MySQL Sidu
MySQL Sidu is a FREE MySQL client that works via your web browser, it is simple, intuitive and an easy database tool to use. Sidu is not as powerful as other similiar tools but packs enough punch to merit its place in this list, its features may be limited but it does do exactly what the name says (Sidu stands for Select Insert Delete Update).
You can also use a Firefox Extension in conjunction with Sidu that enables you to insert data from text fields & textareas in a webpage. View the details here: Firefox addon for MySQL Sidu.

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MySQL Sidu Support - Download
MySQL Sidu Downloads Page
apache friends - xampp (Win, Mac, Linux, Solaris)
apache friends - xampp
It’s not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. It is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start.

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xampp Support - Download
xampp Downloads Page
Further MySQL Links
Finally, here are some further general references to MySQL and MySQL-related resources.
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